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Elect Kathy Lennon
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Ensuring Quality Education for All Students in Every Neighborhood. 


Kathy firmly opposes school vouchers and is committed to investing in students and teachers to guarantee that every public school classroom is fully equipped. 


As a former D2 School Board member, Kathy knows that every child in Tennessee deserves a high-quality education that prepares them for a successful future. Yet, Tennessee consistently ranks in the bottom ten nationwide for education funding per student and teacher pay, which is even more reason to keep public dollars in public schools.


  • Insist on Tennessean's hard-earned tax dollars stay in our public schools - not private corporations.


  • Ensure our neighborhood schools receive their share of state funding and that the state funding is more adequate to meet the needs of our growing community.


  • Elevate our state's educators; support them with fair pay and respect for the professionals they are. Provide resources to safeguard our schools for future generations.


Investing in Tennesseans for Tennessee. 


Kathy will focus on policies directly impacting your daily life, boosting wages, and reducing costs for Tennesseans.


Corporations should not have more tax breaks than hard-working Tennesseans. Kathy’s business and community advocacy background gives her a unique perspective and solid foundation for understanding the local impact of the State’s decisions. 


  • End Tennessee's regressive grocery sales tax. Kathy will prioritize eliminating this tax instead of giving permanent tax breaks to the wealthy and big corporations. 


  • Invest in modern transportation solutions to address the $34 billion backlog of projects and reduce traffic congestion for families and businesses.


  • Establish a well-regulated medical cannabis industry in TN to create jobs, generate tax revenue, and stimulate economic growth. Tennessee is 1 of 12 states without a viable medical cannabis program. Every day, we lose revenue and jobs in other states. 

Vote Kathy Lennon

Bringing Accessible and Affordable Healthcare to TN. 


Kathy will prioritize families' health instead of playing politics and blocking federal resources from reaching our community.


Healthcare should be a right, not a privilege, for every individual in Tennessee. However, our state legislature has turned down federal funding for expanded healthcare, making it more difficult and costly for hard-working Tennessee families to obtain the care they need to get and remain healthy. 


  • Accept federal funds allocated to our state to expand access to healthcare will bring millions of dollars into Tennessee's economy, give working families more healthcare options, and allow Tennesseeans to reap the benefits of their federal tax dollars. 


  • Invest in community mental health resources and work to centrally locate the new state mental health hospital in Hamilton County. 


  • Prioritize the well-being of our citizens by providing access to medical cannabis. Every day, Tennesseeans lose out on an option for treatment.

Kathy Lennon

Respecting the Women of Tennessee. 


Kathy knows it’s time to work around the extremists and accomplish real solutions for the women of TN. We must restore the freedom to make private reproductive healthcare decisions without government interference. Tennessee’s maternal and infant mortality rates are alarmingly high, placing us at the bottom of the list again. 


  • Bring comprehensive prenatal and maternity care to allow for early detection and treatment of medical conditions. Early detection will improve healthier outcomes for moms and babies.


  • Provide public contraceptive education to empower women to make an educated choice about their reproductive health, reduce unintended pregnancies, and promote healthy outcomes. 


  • End harsh state restrictions on medical care to attract and retain highly qualified medical professionals to our state and increase accessibility to healthcare for all Tennesseans.

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Improving Safety in Our Community. 


All of our neighbors have the right to live, learn, work, and worship safely, Yet 1 in 4 child deaths in TN are tied to guns. We NEED to start a respectful conversation regarding firearm safety. We can prioritize public safety while respecting the Second Amendment rights of responsible gun owners. 


  • Repeal the 2013 law that allows any legal gun owner to store loaded guns in their vehicles.


  • Committed to working to build a future where opportunity and justice are a reality for every family – not just the wealthy few.


  • Support the final passage of Marsy’s Law. Marsy's law is a proposed Constitutional Amendment that ensures victims of crimes have enforceable rights and protections. 

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